Friday, August 30, 2013

Talking to Animals

I talk to animals.
Hey, everyone does it. Don’t tell me you don’t have a ‘dog voice’ or that you don’t get just a little bit silly sounding when Fluffy the cat decides your lap seems like a nice place for a nap. As far as I’m concerned, my cat is an equal member of the household. Considering the number of times she’s outwitted me, I think she’s earned it.
But it gets worse. I talk to fake animals. I call them neighbors. I worry that they will be upset with me if I haven’t spoken to them for a few days. I fear they might get angry if I’m just too busy to run errands for them. Worst of all, I fear one of my animal friends will leave town before I get the chance to plead with them to stay.
Before men in white coats show up at my door I should probably clarify that I’m referring to the residents of my town in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It’s amazing what one little game can do to you. I wasn’t sure if I would like this game when I first decided to get it. I was even less sure that my wife would like it. But when we each acquired our own 3DS, I figured I’d give it a shot knowing that we would be able to visit each other’s towns and play a game together.
It’s really been a great experience. There’s a bit of friendly competition to see which of us can acquire certain town upgrades first. There some cooperation as we both watch for furniture and items the other might like.
And outside the game world we have those moments that draw us back to our common hobby when, on seeing a grasshopper in our back yard we look at each other and exclaim, “Where’s my bug net?” When last weekend neither of us had much of a chance to spend in our respective towns, we both commented about how our townsfolk were probably going to be upset with us. When I finally did fire the game up once again, I was relieved to find that all my furry residents seemed genuinely pleased to see me, even if they did wonder where I had been.
Is it overbearingly silly at times? Yes, but that’s part of the charm. After a long stressful day at work when I’ve had enough of reality, it’s nice to be able to enter a whimsical world where a town full of animals look to me, their mayor, to keep their beloved home running smoothly.
So, yes, I talk to animals. And if I could find the time, I’d do it every day.

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