I’ve been trying to think of a series of entries that I could post on a regular basis. While I do have a couple ideas for ‘series’ posts (such as the First Contact series and the Top 100 series), they are not really things that I can guarantee on any sort of schedule. I also have my game design projects, and I can certainly post about those frequently, but since I never know when I’m going to be putting time into the development of one of my games, it’s difficult to know for sure when I’d be able to address them directly. I want something that I know gets done on a certain day. It gives the blog a sort of legacy series that can always be counted on, and it gives me at least one solid topic for the week.
Eventually, I realized I’m already doing something that I can write about on a regular basis. A couple months ago, I decided I was going to play through every game in the main line of Final Fantasy titles, plus a few sequels or side games here and there. While I have at least played most of the games, I’ve only actually gone all the way through a few of them. Having played the first one within the past couple years, I had decided to just start on the second game. But now that I have somewhere to go with it, I think I will revisit the first game. (It will technically be my third play through.)
And so, with that in mind, I’m happy to announce that every Friday will be…
Yes, ‘finally’. Seriously I should have played through all these games long before now. The RPG genre is one of my favorites and it seems almost heretical that I could feel that way without playing through one of the most iconic series.
So, starting with the original Final Fantasy, I’ll be playing the games throughout the week. I’ll have no set goals, so each week’s post is going to be dependent on what I managed to accomplish. I’ll discus my thoughts, feelings, and observations as I make my way through each adventure. No specific goals means this series is likely to run for a very, very long time. I’ve certainly got plenty of material to work with.
I’ll be playing through every main series title, probably with the exception of Final Fantasy XI, the online game. Chances are, I’ll also be playing through at least some of the direct sequels. Perhaps, at times, I’ll pick up some of the spin-offs or side stories. I’m not sure exactly which version of each game I’ll be playing. Probably just whichever is the most convenient for me to get my hands on. At the present, I don’t plan to use guides or walkthroughs, though I will be doing some research before I start each title to make sure I know what I’m getting myself into. At the very least I might consult maps and tips.
I’m looking forward to doing this. I’ve been wanting to play some of these games for a long time. Now, more than just having the desire, I have a purpose. I’m going to share my experience with you. I’ve played enough of the games to know that they usually represent some of the best titles on their respective platforms. So join me as I take on one of the longest running series in video game history. Let’s save the world!